Moving On and Starting Over

Just another site

Is it a location thing or a Generation thing?

So I have been slacking on this here blog lately. With a friend in town, I have been busy. But he is gone now so I am back to my laptop and exploring Lala Land.

One of the biggest things that I have noticed in my 23 days in L.A. is how different — and  by different I mean self-centered — the people are and I notice this mainly while I am at work. Coming from a suburban town in Connecticut I worked in retail and the customers were FAR from pleasant. Pushy and demanding to say the least. I figured when I moved here, the customers would be pretty much the same. Well I was right, but in L.A. they are like Connecticut’s customers on steroids.

It’s one thing to ask for help; it’s one thing to want to separate your transactions to get the best deal for your wallet; it’s another thing to be rude and cause a scene. While I am ringing up customers and on the phone (clearly multitasking already) I have had customers walk in and demand: “I need to find this!”

Um hello, I will be with you in a moment.

As my roommate and I bitch to each other about our days at work he suggested to me that it’s because of all of the Generation Xers in Southern California. But that makes me think, is the rudeness and demanding-ness an issue with the people of Los Angeles, or is it the Generation above me. I’ve always noticed how the Generation Xers raised their children, run their homes and lived their lives. Definitly not how my parents lived and definitely not how I was raised. They seem to be much more selfish and less focused on their children then my parents’ generation were while raising my generation.

While at work I can do nothing but laugh. Laugh at the customers who get upset that they are getting a shirt for $20 and not $3. Laugh at the customers who get upset that we are remodeling our store to make it look fabulous, so in the moment we may not have every single item our company has made. And most of all laugh at the customers who yell and scream at anything they can.

I just hope I don’t get like that. There are much more things to worry about than saving $4 on a shirt.

June 23, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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